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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A **true** Conversation Between PiePie and Honey...

Honey: So, I got invited to go to a party this weekend, and to Florida in June....
PiePie: Well, do you want to go to the party this weekend or to Florida in June?
Honey: Nope. If I did, I'd have just said, PiePie, I'm going to a party this weekend, and to Florida in June.
PiePie: And that's when I would tell you to take the rest of your stuff with you, too...
Honey: I feel so disposable. *Eyes rolled up in head.*
PiePie: You feel what???
Honey: Disposable.
PiePie: Do you know how many women I've sat my foot down in a mudhole for so they can step across it in my lifetime?
Honey: Nooo????? *Tiny Voice*
PiePie: One.
Honey: Soooo....since I've crossed a mudhole and come back over it and stepped on your foot as a bridge twice tonight, that's twice in one must love me and I'm not disposable after all?
PiePie: Yeah, something like that.
Honey: ***swoon***

This photo reminds me of the Man From Snowy River movie for some reason. This was on our way to the pond.....And after we were chased by a mad rush of cows.... And here's "the big one"......

And these remind me of the Anne of Green Gables movies.....

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